Merikaarto, Tervajoki and Vähäkyrö daycare centres
Affection, creative madness, and good care! The starting point is to provide children and families with individual and high-quality daycare and early childhood education by maintaining a close relationship with the children and families.
Versatile activities in new and modern facilities, where the children’s growth, learning, and interests have been taken into consideration. Let’s be present for the children.
Villin lännen päiväkoti
Villin Lännen päiväkoti operates in Vähäkyrö. Our daycare centre emphasises the importance of cooperation with parents and families, our educational approach centred around nature, physical activities, and energy, and the exploration of our surroundings.
The group family daycare centre Veitikka is located in a terraced house in Merikaarto and intended for 1–6-year-old children.