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School transportation

Pupils attending basic education in the City of Vaasa are entitled to free school transportation provided that the school trip in one direction is:

  • more than three kilometres in preschool education
  • more than three kilometres for pupils in Grades 1-2
  • more than five kilometres for pupils in Grades 3-9

Transportation is granted to the pupil’s local school and the school route is measured along the shortest traffic route from the home to the local school.

School transportation is also free of charge if the total daily commute to and from school is more than two and a half hours (three hours for those aged 13 and over).

School transportation on public transport

School transportation is mainly organised on public transport. In special cases, school buses or taxis can be used. A suitable grant may also be given to transport or accompany a pupil. A grant application form must be submitted.

At the beginning of the school year, each school prepares a request for the pupils who are eligible for free school transportation. At other times, an application is submitted to the school by the child’s guardian(s).

Expert advice on transportation for shorter journeys

Even if the distance to school is shorter than the above, a pupil may still be entitled to a free school transport if the journey becomes otherwise difficult, burdensome or unsafe for the pupil, after considering the pupil’s age and other circumstances. Such free transportation shall be subject to the opinion of a doctor, psychologist or similar expert.


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Administration of Basic Education