Basic education year and holidays
The school year 2024-2025 for Finnish-speaking and Swedish-speaking basic education will begin on Friday, 9 August 2024 and end on Saturday, 31 May 2025.
Under section 23 of the Basic Education Act, a school year is 190 working days, less the Independence Day, Epiphany (6 January) and 1 May, if they fall on a different weekday than Saturday. According to this, there are a total of 187 working days during the 2024-2025 academic year. The Saturday 21 December 2024 is a school working day.
School days 2024-2025
- 9.8.2024 academic year begins
- 14.-18.10.2024 Autumn holiday
- 6.12.2024 Independence day
- 23.12.2024-3.1.2025 Christmas holiday
- 24.-28.2.2025 Winter holiday
- 18.-21.4.2025 Easter
- 1.5.2025 May Day
- 29.5.2025 Ascension day
- 31.5.2025 academic year ends
School days 2025-2026
- 11.8.2025 academic year begins
- 13.-17.10.2025 Autumn holiday
- 6.12.2025 Independence day
- 22.12.2025-2.1.2026 Christmas holiday
- 6.1.2026 Epifhany
- 23.-27.2.2026 Winter holiday
- 3.-6.4.2026 Easter
- 1.5.2026 May Day
- 14.5.2026 Ascension day
- 30.5.2026 academic year end
School day on Saturday 13.12.2025 and Saturday 23.5.2026.