Multi-literacy in the digital world
In the autumn term 2022, the City of Vaasa’s Early Childhood Education and Care started to promote digital skills and digital learning environments with help of the Innovatiiviset oppimisympäristöt varhaiskasvatuksessa project funding (Innovative Learning Environments in Early Childhood Education and Care).
The objective is to promote digitalisation by creating a bilingual model for early childhood education and care that promotes equal opportunities for learners in digital learning environments.
Another objective is to develop digital learning environments and teaching practices in Vaasa, and to strengthen the basic skills of educators and children in accordance with the revised Digital Agenda.
The aim is also to improve the quality of the digitalisation of education and learning, to promote the use of digital skills and to support and develop the multi-faceted use of digital environments.
The project seeks to improve the quality of digitalisation of education and learning and to promote the use of digital skills in accordance with the Early Childhood Education and Care Plan by implementing the Early Childhood Education Digital Agenda and supporting materials for staff, based on the New Literacies development programme.