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XXVI KOKKOLA WINTER ACCORDION - School Concerts: Henna ja Supersankarit

Article categories: Music

With its story-like ensemble this concert is well suited for both kindergarten and elementary school children!

Henna ja Supersankarit

Henna-Maija Kuki accordion and vocals
Alina Järvelä violin and vocals
Susanna Lukkarinen piano and vocals

The idea of the concert is to search for a treasure that has a great superpower hidden in it. At the end of the concert, it becomes clear that the greatest superpower is being a friend to one another. With its story-like ensemble this concert is well suited for both kindergarten and elementary school children!

Tue 13.2. Kälviän vapaa-ajantalon liikuntahalli, at 9.30, Marttilankatu 4
Tue 13.2. Lohtajan Maininki, at 12.30, Karhintie 5
Wed 14.2. Hollihaan koulun liikuntahalli, at 9.00, Pikiruukintie 4
Wed 14.2. Isokylän koulu, at 12.00, Sillanpääntie 22

School concerts sold out.