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Indian raaga music and meditation

Article categories: Conferences, Courses, Fairs & Seminars Museums & Folklore Music Recreation & Sports

Authentic Indian classical raaga music, Sahaja Yoga and cultural experience Eastern spirituality at the exhibition.

A high-level musical performance, where the performer is the professional Indian classical music singer Peali Juva, who has been working as a musician since 2005 when she came to Finland. She started her music studies at the age of 5 and won many awards at a younger age. She has also worked as a solo artist with several Mainstream professional artists and in many bands such as Shankara, Shava, Kids Cafe, Bollywood Bliss and The Tagore Ensemble.

Peali Juva is also a visiting teacher at the Sibelius Academy and the World Music School in Helsinki. She has a unique soulful singing style with a combination of melody and dedication that touches the audience very deeply

The presentation includes a voluntary short meditation exercise using the natural Sahaja Yoga technique, which is suitable for everyone and is very easy to adopt.

The music performance is a free event. Participants will receive a discount ticket for Tikanoja’s Spirituality of the East exhibition for €7.

The event is organized by Sahaja Yogan tuki ry in cooperation with Vaasa museums.