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Article categories: Seminarier, föreläsningar och möten

Current information from the city about employment and well-being, as well as from associations. Workshop activities

Small groups in the workshop:
Table 1) VULNERABLE GROUPS: How can we support the most vulnerable and strengthen theirparticipation? How can we reduce inequality and address its challenges?
Table 2) RESOURCES: How can we ensure the continuity of associations’ activities whenresources are limited? How can the municipality support the operational conditions oforganizations in ways other than financial means? New forms of collaboration and ideas for civicactivities.
Table 3) NETWORK BUILDING: How can we improve network collaboration and create equitabledialogue between different actors?
Table 4) ASSOCIATION GUIDE: What should be included in the municipality’s association guide?Who should it be targeted at? How should it be maintained and updated?
Table 5) CRISIS PREPAREDNESS: How can local knowledge be integrated interactively intoauthority-led actions before, during, and after a crisis? How can spontaneous and informal citizenactivities be linked to authority-led crisis preparedness?

The target group is associations in Vaasa, and we especially hope for active participation from smaller associations. The Association Evening is organized in collaboration between the City of Vaasa and the Associations of Ostrobothnia (Pohjanmaan yhdistykset ry).

Due to the coffee service, please register via the attached link.