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Public Utility Services

Public Utility Services is responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of transport, traffic routes, green areas, public areas, marinas, land and water structures, as well as associated facilities, and waste management, water supply and public transport authorities.

In the preparation of master plans and town plans, it is the responsibility of Public Utility Services to take care of the general planning of traffic, the territorial reservation of municipal utilities, as well as the functioning and the economy of these areas.

Public Utility Services also leases public areas for commercial purposes, temporarily leases street areas for construction purposes and grants digging permits.

Under the authority of the police district manager, the division is responsible for municipal parking control.


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Teknisessä virastossa on esteetön LE-paikka Kirkkopuistikon terveysaseman edessä sekä parkkipaikalla.  Bussipysäkki on Vaasanpuistikon varrella. Esteetön sisäänkäynti Kirkkopuistikon terveysaseman pääsisäänkäynnistä tai D-sisäänkäynnistä. Esteetön WC sijaitsee 4. kerroksessa, jonne pääsee sekä portaita että hissillä. Henkilökunnalta saa apua tarvittaessa.