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Sustainable energy solutions

Explore the city’s sustainable energy solutions that save energy and reduce emissions.

Carbon neutrality through sustainable energy solutions

Vaasa is committed to sustainable and energy-efficient energy solutions as part of its sustainable development strategy. Energy efficiency measures and the procurement of carbon neutral electricity are key actions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and help the city meet its environmental targets.

Several steps are being taken in Vaasa, including improving the energy efficiency of buildings, introducing innovative building technology systems, and integrating renewable energy sources. These measures aim to reduce energy consumption and environmental impacts.

Improving energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions will support the city’s Carbon Neutral Vaasa 202X target, while creating a more pleasant and sustainable living environment for all residents.

Energy efficiency measures and sustainable energy solutions

Energy efficiency in renovation projects and new buildings

Energy efficiency is a key objective in the City of Vaasa Premises Management Office’s building projects. This means improving the thermal insulation and air tightness of buildings, using renewable energy sources and taking advantage of innovative energy solutions.

Energy efficiency improvements

  • Thermal insulation and air-tightness: Renovation projects, such as the kindergarten project in the Garrison area, improve the thermal insulation and air-tightness of buildings.
  • Heat recovery systems for ventilation: In conjunction with renovations, the aim is to replace the ventilation equipment, improve energy efficiency, and reduce heat losses in the buildings. This helps reduce energy costs.

Renewable energy sources

  • Renewable energy: Projects aim to explore the possibility of using renewable energy sources. For example, a photovoltaic system with a total capacity of 40 kWp has been installed at Teeriniemi Kindergarten.
  • Phasing out fossil heating: In conjunction with building projects, fossil heating can be replaced with lower-carbon alternatives. At Sundom Lärcenter, for example, oil heating was replaced by a geothermal system, which is estimated to reduce the building’s C02 emissions by approximately 110 tonnes per year.

Innovative energy solutions

The City of Vaasa is participating in Motiva’s development programme to enhance energy efficiency and utilising new technological solutions for public swimming pools. The programme involves nine municipalities.

Read more on the programme here (in Finnish).

Sustainable energy capital

Vaasa’s strategic goals are to lead the energy sector in actively combating climate change and its adverse effects, and to achieve carbon neutrality within the 2020s. Sustainable development is emphasised in urban planning to achieve these goals.

The master plan supports business opportunities, provides for investment in new technologies and the green transition, and promotes urban densification and low-carbon modes of transport. In addition, the diversity of green spaces will be increased, with particular attention given to preserving ecosystem services such as carbon sinks and agricultural land. In this way, Vaasa is advancing its vision of becoming the capital of sustainable energy.

Carbon neutral electricity

The City of Vaasa transitioned to carbon neutral electricity on 1 January 2023. Vaasa’s Premises Management Office monitors electricity price developments and will review the situation if the price difference between green electricity and CO2 neutral electricity changes significantly.