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The city’s climate efforts

Vaasa’s carbon neutrality target is very ambitious. We are taking concrete action and constantly working on new solutions. Find out how Vaasa is fighting climate change and building a more sustainable future!

Climate action for tomorrow’s world

The City of Vaasa is committed to ambitious climate targets as part of its sustainable development efforts. We aim to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality by the end of the decade. Find out more about our climate targets, our climate programme, our network and our commitments below.

Climate targets

Measures of the Carbon Neutral Vaasa thematic programme by target:

1. Climate neutral energy consumption and reduction of CO2 emissions.

  • Reduction of CO2 emissions from transport, e.g. development of cycling and public transport
  • Implementation of the energy use optimisation project
  • Carbon-neutral energy use on city premises
  • Carbon sinks and adaptation to climate change
  • Development of a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)

2. Green transition & Global footprint

  • Defining the carbon footprint of Vaasa-based companies
  • Implementation of the ecosystem agreement
  • Increase the diversity of green spaces and landscaping

3. Finland’s most energy smart and energy efficient city

  • The City Group’s participation and commitment to sustainable development goals
  • Coordination and presentation of the energy education path
  • Involvement of residents and staff in energy and climate community projects
  • Sustainable procurement supports domestic local food, freshness and effective supply chains.

Read more about Vaasa’s strategic theme programmes here.

Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan

Drafting a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) is a requirement for cities wishing to join the Covenant of Mayors. This plan is a key tool for towns and cities to make a concrete commitment to combating climate change and the use of sustainable energy.

Vaasa joined the Covenant of Mayors in 2014. The SECAP prepared as part of this commitment supports the City of Vaasa’s climate efforts, which are based on the city’s vision titled ‘International Vaasa – The Nordic Energy Capital’. The SECAP sets a target to reduce Vaasa’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% compared to 1990 levels. By 2023, emissions have already been reduced by 54%.

Vaasa’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) can be found here (summary in English).

Networks and commitments

Vaasa is involved in a number of agreements and communities that support the City of Vaasa’s energy and climate programme.

FISU network

FISU (Finnish Sustainable Communities) is a network of pioneering Finnish municipalities. The FISU network aims for carbon neutrality, zero waste, and globally sustainable consumption by 2050. There are currently ten FISU municipalities in addition to Vaasa. The municipalities have drawn up a ‘roadmap for resource wisdom’ to outline the measures that will lead to this goal.

Read more on the FISU network website.

Covenant of Mayors

The Covenant of Mayors on Energy and Climate is a voluntary commitment by towns and cities to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets in their region. Thousands of local and regional authorities have signed up to the covenant.

Upon joining the Covenant of Mayors, towns and cities are required to draw up a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP). The City of Vaasa joined the Covenant of Mayors in 2014.

Vaasa’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) can be found here (summary in English).

EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change

In 2022, the City of Vaasa signed the EU Charter of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change. By signing the Charter, Vaasa has committed to promoting climate resilience and local adaptation measures. By signing, the city will also improve its chances of applying for EU funding for its climate change adaptation efforts.

The Charter of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change is part of Horizon Europe, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2021–2027.

Read more about the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change on the EU online service.

Climate Leadership Coalition

The Climate Leadership Coalition (CLC) is the largest non-profit climate-focused business network in Europe. The CLC serves as a platform for businesses, public entities, and research institutions to share a common vision for strengthening climate resilience. Network members develop and share best practices and innovative solutions that support sustainable growth and reduce climate risks. The CLC focuses on both climate change mitigation and adaptation, where economic competitiveness and environmental responsibility go hand in hand.

The City of Vaasa joined the CLC in 2022 and is actively involved in its activities, working groups, and channels of influence.

Read more on the CLC website.

Union of the Baltic Cities

The Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC) is a cooperation network that brings together towns and cities in the Baltic Sea region to promote sustainable development, economic growth, and regional cooperation. Since 1991, the UBC has served as a forum for towns and cities to share their experiences and develop joint projects. Vaasa became a member of the Union in 1996.

The Union works through eight commissions, with the Sustainable Cities Commission specifically focusing on the environment and sustainable development. This Commission supports towns and cities in combating climate change, improving energy efficiency, and developing sustainable infrastructure by providing a platform for sharing best practices and fostering joint environmental projects.

Read more on the UBC website.

Network of Finnish Cycling Municipalities

Pyöräilykuntien verkosto ry (The Network of Finnish Cycling Municipalities Association; website in Finnish) acts as a cooperation network for municipalities, the state, businesses, organisations and other stakeholders. The network’s key objective is to promote cycling and walking as sustainable modes of transport and everyday physical activity, enhancing well-being for individuals, society, and the environment.

The City of Vaasa is a member of the Network of Finnish Cycling Municipalities.

Energy Efficiency Agreement

Vaasa is a signatory to the national Energy Efficiency Agreement for Municipalities, which aims to enhance municipal energy efficiency. The current agreement runs from 2017 to 2025. The previous agreement covered the period from 2008 to 2016. Improving energy efficiency will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the municipality’s economic viability. The city reports annually on its energy efficiency improvements under the Energy Efficiency Agreement.

Read more on the topic on the Energy Efficiency Agreements website.

Circular Economy Green Deal Agreement

The City of Vaasa is currently drafting a circular economy green deal commitment with the state. The Circular Economy Green Deal is a voluntary strategic commitment in which participants agree to reduce their use of natural resources and set effective targets and actions to promote a low-carbon circular economy.

Read more about the Circular Economy Green Deal on the website of the Ministry of the Environment.

The city’s climate actions

The City of Vaasa is actively engaged in climate efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 202X. Find out more about the city’s diverse climate actions and policies on this site.

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Adapting to climate change

Vaasa is adapting to climate change. Adaptation measures enable the city to protect its infrastructure, improve residents’ quality of life, and prepare for future challenges.

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The City of Vaasa is among the finalists in the European Green Leaf 2026 competition

Vaasa is one of seven European cities selected as finalists for the 2026 European Green Capital & Green Leaf Award. The competition focuses on how cities have addressed and continue to address environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.

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