Citizen services Vähäkyrö
At Vähäkyrö House (Vähäkyrö-talo), you can get help and advice on the services offered by the city, as well as Kela's helpline customer service. We also provide Postal Services. Welcome every weekday!
If you do not know which city department you should contact, we will help you to find the right one.
- At the cash desk, you can pay city invoices without a service charge. Read more on the payment services page.
- City publications and brochures are available
- Printed versions of the city’s forms are free of charge
- City announcements (announcements)
- Advance polling station in national elections
- Usable customer terminal especially for electronic transactions
- Meeting room reservations for Vähäkyrö House
- Keys to pick up / return for the gyms of Tervajoki and Savilahti schools and at the Kyrölä Youth Centre
- Kela Assisting Customer Service; you can get forms from us and you can return Kela’s applications and attachments to us from where they will be forwarded. Printing and copying Kela documents is free of charge. We do not have Kela customer information.
- Postal service
Vähäkyrö House also houses the offices of the Rural Office, Early Childhood Education, Home Nursing and Home Care, Environmental Services, Social Services (a social worker by appointment), Mobility Equipment Loan Service and Vaasa-opisto’s Vähäkyrö office.
Copy, scan, fax, internal post
- Photocopies
* black and white; A4 size €0.50, A3 size €0.80
* coloured; A4 size €1.50, A3 size €2.50
- Scan €4.00 / copy
- Sending a fax to Finland €1.50 / copy
- Internal post submitted to a citizen services point will be transported free of charge to the city offices
On sale
- Waltti Bus Card / Senior Bus Card, read more on the public transport website
- Sports cards and season stickers for guided health and adapted sports
- History-related books about Vähäkyrö and Vaasa, tin products (tin lamps, “fyrrys” and more) as well as postcards.